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DigitalOne 3D虚拟空间 | 跨境社交电商全球营销联盟

Writer's picture: iCashRewardsiCashRewards

Updated: Dec 10, 2020

全球精品大促销活动,学习中国 ”小米有品模式“ 对标美国 ”COSTCO“ 为全球消费者提供价质相符的高品质、高颜值、高性价比的生活消费品 !


进入虚拟商城 消费 有专人服务指导:

下载Virbela 3D虚拟现实会议平台,登入账号后选择 ”转到“ Go To,如有疑问, 进入园区, 点击发送私人聊天 Private Chat。填写 #DigitalOne #iCashRewards

以下为Digital 2020 数字周 近期新闻简要:

1. 福布斯 VR AR XR专栏报道了纳斯达克上市公司的VirBELA采用沉浸式、三维化3D的虚拟现实空间会议办公教学系统 ,详情下方阅读全文: #digital2020



2. 加拿大首席公共卫生官谭咏诗在最近一份声明中说:“最近一周平均每天报告779例新病例,是7月份的水平的两倍多。很多省的政府官员将此问题归咎于‘私人室内聚会的兴起’。每天报告的新病例的持续增加令人担忧。随着病毒的持续传播,疫情可能会迅速改变,我们可能会失去将COVID-19病例保持在可控水平的能力。”多伦多室内聚会限制10人,违规者将面临全国最高罚款.

9月10日, 加拿大CBC 新闻特别提到 VirBELA沉浸式、三维化3D的虚拟现实空间会议平台学习新模式,阅读新闻链接:“Explores what the future of the workplace looks like in a COVID-19 world.”

3:Digital 2020 VirBELA 的沉浸式、三维化3D的虚拟现实空间会议展览,虚拟办公教学,曹俊 虚拟艺术展览 每周对外开放学习时间。

4. 曹俊蓝艺术品系列展将在Digital 2020虚拟展厅展出,11月1日至1月30日,时间为每周五,周六下午2点30到3点30。提前预约

Digital 2020 3D 虚拟现实空间即将迎来 曹俊蓝艺术品系列展 ,首先登场的12幅作品中其中3幅 是曹俊与史蒂文·洛克菲勒合作的作品,《我们从哪里来》《涌》(《Where do wo come from?》《千年一遇》等.

5: 温哥华初创月活动正式启动和 Digital 20/21 "5G智能家居暨数字社交电商展览会"

关于Digital One iCashRewards:

iCashRewards 虚拟商城 和跨境社交电商营销联盟 ( "iCash" 或 "iCashRewards") 于2020年8月正式上线VirBELA 3D 虚拟商城。

iCash是一家领先的为全球商家品牌提供全方位数字化营销推广和最终实现终端用户消费积分全球化的一套创新的智能管理系统。iCashRewards 3.0 推出5G 智能 社交电商全球品牌虚拟商城营销联盟计划 和利用区块链技术重塑传统积分支持利用通证给予全球消费者积分奖励激励, 致力于构建共享共赢的新金融数字经济产业生态并打入新的全球市场。

iCashRewards 虚拟商城 利用三维化3D的虚拟平台,让消费者和会员能够模拟现实场景,以虚拟形象面对面沟通,突破时间、空间限制。为消费会员提供沉浸式消费 ,休闲,社交和购物体验。

虚拟商城 在YouTube 观看:

iCashRewards虚拟商城营销联盟已经入驻的国际,本地和中国品牌包括 Microsoft, Amazon, 小米有品有鱼,VirBELA, Shopify, WIX, Shoppers Drug Mart, Indigo, DAVIDsTEa, VirBELA, illy Coffee, Meetup, Canva, Acer, Alibaba Cloud,KitchenAids, Dyson, FOREO, Kaspersky, 施华洛世奇,, Fossil, Lacoste, Saks Fifth Avenue, 曹俊艺术馆,周生生黄金,美国网络数字银行 AXOS BANK 和比特币 商店iBank Digital 等超过500+商家。

iCashRewards (“iCash” ) 积分奖励兑现支持加元, 美元和稳定币USDT。


About Digital One VR Business Centre:

Digital One VR Business Centre is in an AI powered 3D virtual immersive environment. We offer 3D virtual office and event spaces for remote teams and entrepreneurs to connect and collaborate. In addition to screen share, text chat in virtual immersive business environment, we allow you to hold meetings, have casual conversations, and enjoy team building activities with over 200 concurrent users and many other features in video conferencing and collaboration platforms.

iCashRewards, a Digital One network business,  a new generation of social eCommerce marketing and rewards platform,  is a leading provider of online shopping digital rewards platform and solutions, connecting merchants and  consumers across the globe.

iCashRewards is a web and mobile- based plug-in that gives online shoppers cash-back rewards in the form of cash back or USDT .  iCashRewards has added names like Microsoft  (NASDAQ:MSFT), Amazon (NASAQ:AMZN), (NASDAQ:BKNG),  小米有品有鱼( 01810.H K),VirBELA, Groupon ( NASDAQ:GRPN), WIX (NASDAQ: WIX), Shopify ( NYSE: SHOP) , Canva, Meetup, AXOS (NYSE:AX) , FOREO,  Shoppers, Indigo, illy, Saks Fifth Avenue, Bloomingdales, VirBELA (NASDAQ: EXPI) and over 500 brands to its portfolio. View virtual shopping center and virtual networking on youtube :

iCashRewards is reinventing marketing using blockchain technology for loyalty rewards, supporting digital rewards program and powered by tokenized technology to disrupt loyalty industries and continuously innovate.

We make money from our merchants who pay us when our users shop their sites, we then reward our users with cashback in CAD , US$ and USDT. 


Laval Virtual World

Bordeaux Geekfest

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