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iCashRewards Loyalty Program ("iCash")


As a user, you will receive the perks of iCash Token and iCash Loyalty Points  below: (CAD$5000 value) 


1: You will be entitled to receive 2,495 iCashRewards Loyalty Points  ("iCashPoints") in your  account;


2:You will be entitled to receive 39,640  iCashToken ("iCashToken") in your digital wallet  iCashToken can redeem USDT.  Send your ERC20 wallet address to us at support ( Total Value is CAD$5,000);


3:   iCashToken wil be traded with USDT and BTC through a digital asset exchange shortly;


 iCashPoints can redeem Cash , USDT and BTC. through your iCashRewards account :



Note :

1: Need a wallet?

For a free, simple, secure and easy-to-setup wallet, we recommend Imtoken or MataMask,  you also can buy cold wallet Ledger and Keepkey from online shopping center.


2: *The right to use iCashPoints is subject to the terms and conditions of the iCashRewards Rewards Loyalty Program.


*iCashToken is currently in early beta and we are learning a lot each day,  is subject to the terms and conditions of the iCashRewards Rewards Loyalty Program.


iCash Loyalty Individual Package

SKU: iCASH_Individual
  • *Please note: There is a 5% GST (Goods & Services Tax) and 7% PST (Provincial Sales Tax) on non-digital products.

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