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(To receive your Penguin Punk NFT)

  1. Connect your wallet to TSANFT 
  2. Provide your Referral Link to
  3. Join TSANFT Discord to access Customer Support:



Each PenguinPunk is a unique ( non-fungible ) token that functions as your entrance to access to TSAMetaPlay GameFi Franchise, this NFT can be staked in the TSA NFT Stake Pool. You are entitled to receive a random PenguinPunk NFT that can be staked in the TSA Stake Pool and earn $TSA.


PenguinPunk NFT that you buy from TSA NFT Marketplace can later be sold on other marketplace like OpenSea, Rarible, TSANFT Market, and Treasureland , without our approval, and with the same wallet.


Preview:;  Staking:


This NFT can be staked on NFT Staking Pool for over three  years sharing Shib & $TSA  pool per week:


Penguin Punk NFT

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